8 Scholarships in 7 days - One week of crowd funding

Posted on by RGSoC team

Categories: blog and news

Wow, it’s been only one week since we kicked off our crowd funding campaign and we already have so much to tell!

The historical moment was April 3rd, 12:01 CET, when we tweeted about it for the first time:

First, thank you all for being amazing supporters of our mission and making our dream of more women in Open Source come true more day by day! This is really moving. Haven’t donated yet? Do eet now and join all the other wonderful people: railsgirlssummerofcode.org/campaign/! And while others can’t stop high fiving about this, running around with a big smile in their faces or buying chocolate for everyone, some couldn’t stand still anymore.


The whole team has been so happy about this campaign! We just can’t hide it. Two of our organizers, Floor and Anika, even jumped around out of joy:

And these 7 days truly have been something to jump around about for all of us.

  • We funded 8 students in 7 days,

  • got 110 retweets of our announcement tweets,

  • had 2.233 website visits within 4 hours,

  • have 64 individual donors, (we found two Tobias’, two Patrick’s, two Jeremy’s in there),

  • got 17 ♥s in the comments

  • and have already 11 company sponsors hopping on board!

We are so happy about Travis CI joining as a lead organizing supporter through Travis Foundationand Github as a returning Platinum sponsor, supporting us from the very beginning. We also are super happy to announce SoundCloud again as one of our biggest sponsors, as well as Google Open Source. So great to see the magic happen again.


Magic also always happens in the small moments and one of our favorite was definitely this donation comment from @eljojo:

We also love every single tweet from you and that you help us spread the word.

Another week lays before us, we look forward to having even more amazing people and companies join our great supporters and help us bring our mission forward: Getting more women into Open Source! You all started making that happen and are helping us reach our goal of supporting 20 students: railsgirlssummerofcode.org/campaign/