How to go to a conference

Posted on by RGSoC Team

Categories: blog , conferences and tips and tricks

The first time is always special. And the time after that. And the time after that. Going to a conference - and maybe even giving a talk - can be loads of fun, scary, exhilarating and exhausting together.

So here we have a small conference prep package for you! We stuffed it with the best tips & tricks especially on how to give great talks and in general how to make these couple of (conference)days to the best of your life.

##Rock that Conference

Lucas Pinto: “My biggest tip would be not to be shy and go talk to people, make connections. A lot of people go to conferences not for the talks but mostly to meet fellow devs. It is always very inspiring and you always meet nice people. So if you come in gang, try not to stick with them 100% of the time plus it is easy to find an opener at a conf “hey, where do you come from, are you here alone/with your company, who do you work for, do you know the city well, etc. etc.”

Anika Lindtner: “Most important for me was to keep in mind, that the people around are eager to get to know you, too. Conferences are great for meeting people and mingle. Always check out the hashtag for the conference, so you’ll stay in the loop with what’s happening. Have your phone always with you and do a lot of funny friday-hug-pics. It’s a great way to spread the joy, have some fun with others - and it’s a super cool souvenir. Oh and don’t forget this last thing: Enjoy yourself!”

8 ways to rock a tech conference by Scillcrush

How to survive tech conferences by Zach Holman

##Rock that talk

Floor Drees: “Definitely check out presentations by other programmer-speakers like Konstantin Haase, Patrick Huesler… Make it a fun and interesting experience for you and for the audience and pick a topic you have special affection with, so you can speak from experience. Make sure your audience can identify with your problem right at the beginning, so you got them hooked for the solution (read: the rest of your talk) ;) Test running your talk by your friends or (if you have the chance) a local ruby developer meetup thingie, is also a smart idea! AND: don’t do a live demo unless you’re absolutely certain it (/ wifi) will work / you pre-recorded it (cook show style).”

How to give great talks by Caroline Drucker


Practical tips for becoming a great speaker by Tiffany Conroy

5 Things Every Presenter Needs To Know About People by Weinschenk Institute

Your body language shapes who you are by Amy Cuddy

What people don’t tell you about public speaking by Zach Holman

Do’s and Don’ts by Kontantin Haase

How to give a lightning talks by Steve Klabnik

How to give the killer tech talk by Jan Lenhardt

How to talk to Developers by Ben Orenstein

Practical tips for creating great slides by Tiffany Conroy

Improve your technical slides by Geoffrey Grosenbach

Sven Fuchs: “One of the best tips I’ve ever gotten was from Steve Bristol: Just have fun with it!

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