Conference Raffle Round Two

Posted on by Laura

Categories: blog , conferences and news

As we’re nearing the end of the program, it was also time to get the second round of our WORLD-FAMOUS conference raffle going. We’re excited to finally announce the winners:

RubyConf Colombia (16-17 Oct): RubyGirls Quito
EuRuKo (17-18 Oct): GirlsCoders Warsaw, R’n’B
Codemotion (2-3 Nov): GirlsCoders Warsaw
beyond tellerrand (2-4 Nov): Delta Quadrant
StarTech Conf Chile (6-7 Nov): RubyGirls Quito
RubyKaigi (11-13 Dec): Tessie (Pilar & coach Ramon)
RubyConf Australia (10-13 Feb 2016): Melbourne
RubyConf Philippines (8-9 Apr 2016): Tessie
Ruby Conf Kenya (5-7 May 2016): CocoaGems



You should have all already been introduced to your respective conference organisers; and as always, we’re happy to introduce first-time (and even second-time) conference goers to people from the local Rails Girls community. If you need to be introduced, let us know - we can try connecting you. For those of you giving lightning talks, we always have those tips and tricks handy so you can rock that stage! Don’t forget to take pictures and, most importantly: have fun!

Last but not least: We’d like to thank again all of the conferences who offered tickets for our second round conference raffle:

ArrrcampRubyConf PhilippinesRubyConf ColombiaStarTechConf ChileWebcamp ZagrebCodemotion BerlinRubyConf AustraliaOpen Source & Feelingsbeyond tellerrandEuRuKoRubyKaigiRubyConf Kenya

You’re all amazing! ♥