Brazilian Housewives Coding Team Introduction

Posted on by Camila and Stefanni

Categories: blog and student posts

About us

Hello! We are Stefanni and Camila, two junior software developers from Brazil based in Vancouver, Canada. We didn’t know each other before the RGSoC and we are more than happy to introduce our team!


I am a millennial that likes how to cook, loves coding, cats, playing sports and chocolate. I moved to Vancouver in January because my husband received a job offer to work here and we brought our two cats with us. My history with Rails Girls began in 2015. Actually, Rails Girls is the reason I decided to start Computer Science college in 2015 ( I only did 1 year and half, now I am studying by myself). I went as a student in the Rails Girls Sao Paulo 2015 workshop and since then I wanted to join the RGSoC, but I never applied. I was also a coach on the 2017th edition and it was an amazing experience. The other coach of my group introduced me to the CTO of a Brazilian fintech where later I did a brief software internship before moving to Vancouver. So imagine how happy I was when Ana and Vaishali surprised us announcing that we were selected, Rails Girls has been playing an important role in my tech career!


Hello everybody, my name is Camila! I’m a Brazilian living in Vancouver with my husband. After finishing our master’s degree in Computer Science last year we came to Canada with our two cats - the flight was a great adventure!

During graduation I worked with Recommender Systems, characterizing the consumption over time in recommendation domains, and in social network analysis. In my master I was interested in understanding how sociological aspects are reflected in current technologies, such as the existence of racial bias/stereotypes in search engines, and what is the role of the algorithms on the propagation of these bias/stereotypes. I’ve been working with academic research since my first year as a undergrad student. And my plan was to finish my master’s degree and then apply for a PhD. But for now I feel the need to apply my knowledge to something that is really going to be used by several people and not only in the academic environment.

I learned to code in my early years of graduation and I have a good experience with algorithms. I have good knowledge in Python, C, R… But I have almost no experience in software development, software engineering, testing, etc. So I think the Rail Girls program will be a great opportunity to be part of the Open Source community and learn a lot!

How did we meet?

Because we are both relatively new to Vancouver, it was difficult to find a teammate here. So we used the RGSoC google groups to search for teammates and there was where we met each other. We went to a coffee shop and discussed about our application and we soon got along, especially because we both have cats =).

Thanks, RGSoC organizers for providing these mediums for us to find a teammate :)

How is work going?

This week has been great! We are reading and collecting information from the Public Lab codebase and the API docs/tests. Also we focused on learning more about Git, RESTful API’s, and how to document code changes.

We also want to thank the Predictable Revenue for letting us use their space to work. Thiago, one of our coaches, works there and we asked if we could work there. The office is great and it’s located at the historical site of Vancouver, a central location in the city.

Brazilian Housewives Coding Team

Camila, Julio, Stefanni and Thiago on our first day! picture taken by Stefanni Brasil

Meet our Amazing Team


Thiago Araujo and Julio Albinati. Thanks for being our coaches, we couldn’t be part of this amazing program without your help.


One of the reasons we applied to work on Public Lab is because it’s a very inclusive and supportive community. Jeff Warren is always helping us and we are happy to be part of it.


Mayar is our RGSoC’s Buddy and we want to thank you for all your support and advices for us to have a great summer of code.

Thanks everyone for helping us and for being part of our team, you are amazing! :)

About our Summer Project

We are working as a part-time team on the Public Lab app, more specific on the API feature. We have a Planning Issue here with the Timeline and a Github Project page if you want to check out and/or give some help and tips :) We don’t have much experience working with API’s so we are really excited to learn everything that we can this summer.

So, why Brazilian housewives coding?

We are junior developers and have only been living in Vancouver for a few months. We were both beginning our career in Brazil when our husbands got a job offer to move to Vancouver so we were having a hard time finding opportunities for juniors here. We thought it would be a good name to play with our status here! :P

What do we expect for the RGSoC 2018?

  • Understand more about modeling an API
  • Become familiar with SQL queries
  • Be experts on Ruby on Rails
  • Learn more about JavaScript and Tests
  • Improve our documentation skills
  • Be just the beginning of this amazing Open Source adventure
  • Have a great Summer!